Trilavir Mini Tablets


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Trilavir Mini Tablet

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Last Updated on September 10, 2024 by admin

Trilavir Mini Tablet Introduction

Trilavir Mini is a prescription medication utilized in the management of HIV infection. This combination antiretroviral therapy consists of three active ingredients: efavirenz, lamivudine, and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate. Each component plays a crucial role in effectively suppressing the HIV virus, thereby enhancing the health and longevity of individuals living with the virus. Antiretroviral therapy, including medications like Trilavir Mini, is essential in the ongoing battle against HIV, providing patients with the means to maintain their immune function and avert the progression to AIDS.

The primary function of Trilavir Mini is to reduce the viral load in an individual’s bloodstream. By controlling HIV replication, Trilavir Mini helps in achieving and sustaining undetectable viral levels, which is vital for preventing the transmission of the virus to others. Moreover, consistent adherence to this medication can result in improved immune system health, leading to a better quality of life for those affected by HIV.

In the broader context of HIV treatment, Trilavir Mini aligns with the World Health Organization’s (WHO) recommendations for antiretroviral therapy. This approach emphasizes the importance of using combination therapies to resist the likelihood of drug resistance, a common concern among HIV patients. Trilavir Mini exemplifies this strategy, combining several mechanisms to target the virus efficiently.

As with any medication, understanding the benefits and potential side effects of Trilavir Mini is imperative for patients and healthcare providers. Continuing education about these aspects ensures that individuals can make informed decisions about their treatment options. Overall, Trilavir Mini stands as a significant advancement in HIV management, contributing to the broader objectives of public health and disease prevention.

USES OF Trilavir Mini TABLET

Trilavir Mini is a significant pharmaceutical intervention designed primarily for managing HIV-1 infections in both adults and pediatric patients aged 12 years and older, weighing at least 35 kilograms. The medication comprises a combination of efavirenz, lamivudine, and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate, each of which plays a pivotal role in suppressing the viral load in individuals living with this chronic condition. The primary use of Trilavir Mini is to achieve viral suppression, thereby improving the immune function and quality of life for those affected by HIV-1.

Utilized as part of a comprehensive antiretroviral treatment regimen, Trilavir Mini helps in enhancing adherence to therapy. The once-daily dosing makes it a convenient option for patients who may otherwise struggle with more complex treatment schedules. This simplified regimen facilitates better compliance, essential for the effectiveness of the treatment and the prevention of drug resistance.

Beyond its primary use in treating HIV-1, Trilavir Mini can also serve as part of a broader strategy in combination therapy, often integrated with other antiretroviral agents to maximize efficacy. By operating synergistically with various medications, it can contribute to a more robust treatment protocol tailored to individual patient needs. Such combinations may include integrase inhibitors or protease inhibitors, enhancing the overall effectiveness of HIV management.

Furthermore, the medication underscores the importance of comprehensive patient monitoring and regular evaluations by healthcare professionals to ensure optimal outcomes. It is critical for practitioners to remain vigilant in assessing viral load and adherence levels in patients, adjusting treatment regimens as needed to maintain an effective response. Thus, the role of Trilavir Mini extends beyond merely controlling HIV-1 infection, encompassing a holistic approach to patient health and well-being.

Directions for Use

Trilavir Mini is an antiretroviral medication primarily used in the treatment of HIV-1 infection in adults and pediatric patients weighing at least 30 kg. To ensure the effectiveness of this medication, it is paramount to follow the prescribed directions for use meticulously. The recommended dosage of Trilavir Mini is one tablet taken orally once daily, preferably at the same time each day. This consistency helps maintain stable drug levels within the body, potentially enhancing therapeutic outcomes.

Patients may take Trilavir Mini either with food or on an empty stomach; however, taking it with food may help mitigate possible gastrointestinal discomfort. It is advised to avoid consuming alcohol or certain supplements that may interfere with the medication’s efficacy. For optimal results, the patient should ensure that they consume the entire tablet without chewing, crushing, or splitting it.

In instances where a dose is missed, the patient should take the missed dose as soon as they remember. However, if it is almost time for the next scheduled dose, they should skip the missed dose and proceed with their regular dosing routine. It is crucial not to double up on doses to compensate for a missed one, as this could increase the risk of side effects or adverse reactions.

Additionally, patients are encouraged to maintain regular consultations with their healthcare provider to monitor progress and discuss any concerns regarding their treatment regimen with Trilavir Mini. Adhering to these guidelines will help optimize the benefits while minimizing potential risks associated with improper use of the medication. Continued education regarding this treatment is essential for maintaining overall well-being in individuals living with HIV.


  • In Treatment of HIV infection

Trilavir Mini has emerged as a significant option in the arsenal against HIV, presenting several key advantages that facilitate effective treatment for patients. One of the primary benefits of Trilavir Mini is its convenient once-daily dosage form. By allowing patients to take their medication just once per day, Trilavir Mini becomes an essential solution for those who value simplicity in their treatment regimens. This convenience not only enhances compliance but also minimizes the chances of patients forgetting to take their medication, which is critical for maintaining the efficacy of their treatment.

Moreover, adherence to prescribed therapy is vital for achieving sustained viral load suppression. Trilavir Mini helps patients maintain their regimen since the simplicity of a single daily dose often encourages individuals to remain consistent in their treatment. By fostering adherence, patients can significantly reduce their viral load, which is one of the primary objectives in managing HIV. A lower viral load not only diminishes the risk of transmitting the virus to others but also enables patients to lead healthier, more productive lives.

The improvements in patients’ quality of life, stemming from effective HIV management, are profound. Patients using Trilavir Mini have reported enhanced psychological well-being and a decreased sense of anxiety related to their condition, largely due to the reliable control of their viral levels. The ability to live a life less affected by the burdens of HIV is a transformative benefit. As patients adhere to their daily regimen with Trilavir Mini, they report increased confidence in managing their health, leading to better engagement in personal, social, and professional activities. Overall, the benefits of Trilavir Mini in HIV management are not only medical but significantly contribute to the holistic well-being of patients dealing with this chronic condition.

Storage Recommendations for Trilavir Mini

Proper storage of Trilavir Mini is crucial to ensure its efficacy and safety. This medication should be stored at room temperature, ideally between 68°F to 77°F (20°C to 25°C). Exposure to temperature fluctuations outside this range can affect its stability and effectiveness. It is essential to avoid storing Trilavir Mini in areas that experience high heat, moisture, or direct sunlight, such as bathrooms or near windows. Humidity can degrade the formulation of the medication, so it is prudent to keep it in a dry environment.

Moreover, it is important to pay attention to expiration dates provided by the manufacturer. Medications like Trilavir Mini can become less effective or even harmful after their designated expiration date has passed. Therefore, before using any dosage, always check the label to ensure the medication has not expired. If you find that the medication is past its expiration or if you notice any changes in color, consistency, or packaging integrity, it is advisable to dispose of it properly and consult your healthcare provider for a replacement.

For the safety of children and others in your household, keep Trilavir Mini out of reach. Consider using a locked cabinet or a high shelf to prevent accidental ingestion. If you have any concerns or questions regarding the proper storage of Trilavir Mini, do not hesitate to seek advice from a healthcare professional or pharmacist. They can provide additional assistance to ensure that the medication is stored appropriately. Following these storage guidelines will help maintain the integrity of Trilavir Mini and foster safe medication practices.

Medicinal Benefits

Trilavir Mini is an antiretroviral medication that has garnered attention for its significant role in the management of HIV. The drug comprises a combination of efavirenz, lamivudine, and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate. Its approved use is primarily focused on treating individuals diagnosed with HIV-1, including both treatment-naive patients and those who have received prior therapy. This combination works by suppressing the replication of the virus, which is crucial in managing the health of individuals living with HIV.

The effectiveness of Trilavir Mini in reducing the HIV viral load is well-documented. By inhibiting the reverse transcriptase enzyme, the drug successfully limits the virus’s capacity to replicate, leading to lower viral loads in patients. A sustained reduction in viral load is essential, as it contributes to improved health outcomes and reduces the risk of HIV transmission. Clinical studies have shown that a considerable percentage of patients treated with Trilavir Mini achieve viral suppression, demonstrating the drug’s potency as part of an effective HIV treatment regimen.

Beyond its antiviral properties, Trilavir Mini may also promote enhancements in immune function. By lowering the viral load and maintaining a higher CD4 cell count, patients may experience a general improvement in their immune system’s health. This aspect is vital as HIV weakens the immune response over time, making individuals more susceptible to opportunistic infections. The use of Trilavir Mini, therefore, not only aids in controlling the virus but also supports overall immune reconstitution, which is vital for long-term health. Regular monitoring and adherence to the prescribed regimen are essential for maximizing the benefits of this medication.

Drug Warnings

Trilavir Mini, a medication utilized in the management of HIV-1 infection, comes with important warnings that must be heeded to ensure patient safety and treatment efficacy. One critical warning is its contraindication in patients with a known hypersensitivity to its components, namely efavirenz, lamivudine, and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate. Individuals with such allergies should not be administered this drug to avoid severe adverse reactions.

Another significant concern involves special populations, particularly pregnant individuals. Trilavir Mini is categorized under the FDA pregnancy category D, suggesting that it may pose risks to fetal development. Therefore, it is essential for healthcare providers to evaluate the potential benefits versus risks in pregnant patients, and alternative therapies should be considered when appropriate. Likewise, for individuals with liver disease, particularly those with severe impairment, the use of Trilavir Mini necessitates careful consideration and monitoring. Hepatic function should be assessed prior to initiation and periodically throughout treatment due to the potential for altered drug metabolism.

Moreover, regular monitoring for side effects is crucial for those on Trilavir Mini, particularly regarding neuropsychiatric symptoms, as efavirenz can lead to dizziness, insomnia, and changes in mood or behavior. Patients should be informed about these potential effects and encouraged to report any concerning symptoms promptly. Healthcare professionals should also monitor renal function, given that tenofovir disoproxil fumarate has been associated with renal toxicity in some cases.

In summary, while Trilavir Mini can be an effective treatment option for HIV-1, adhering to warnings regarding contraindications, special population considerations, and necessary follow-up monitoring is paramount for safe and effective use.

Drug Interactions

Understanding drug interactions is essential for anyone using Trilavir Mini, as these interactions can significantly affect treatment efficacy and safety. Trilavir Mini is an antiretroviral medication prescribed for the treatment of HIV-1. However, it can interact with various substances, leading to either diminished effectiveness or heightened side effects. As such, healthcare providers should assess a patient’s entire medication regimen, including over-the-counter drugs and herbal supplements, prior to prescribing Trilavir Mini.

One notable class of medications that may interact with Trilavir Mini are other antiviral agents. For instance, the concurrent use of other HIV medications, such as protease inhibitors or non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors, can result in additive side effects or alterations in drug metabolism. This may necessitate dose adjustments or close monitoring by healthcare professionals to mitigate the risk of adverse reactions.

Furthermore, several classes of over-the-counter medications, particularly those affecting liver enzymes, may interfere with the pharmacokinetics of Trilavir Mini. Medications such as antacids, laxatives, or certain pain relievers can influence how the body processes Trilavir Mini, potentially leading to suboptimal blood levels and reduced antiviral efficacy. Patients should discuss the use of any over-the-counter drugs with their healthcare provider to ensure safe and effective use alongside Trilavir Mini.

Herbal supplements, including St. John’s Wort, are particularly concerning because they are known to induce certain enzymes that metabolize drugs. The interaction between St. John’s Wort and Trilavir Mini may lead to decreased levels of the medication in the bloodstream, resulting in inadequate viral suppression. It is crucial for patients to avoid self-medicating with herbal products without consulting their healthcare provider to prevent any potential negative interactions.

In conclusion, awareness and proactive management of potential drug interactions with Trilavir Mini are critical for optimizing treatment results and ensuring patient safety. Regular communication with healthcare providers about all medications, including over-the-counter drugs and herbal supplements, is strongly advised.


Trilavir Mini, a prescription medication commonly used in the treatment of HIV-1 infection, may lead to a range of side effects, which can vary from mild to severe. Understanding these potential reactions is vital for patients to manage their health effectively. Mild side effects that some individuals may experience include nausea, diarrhea, dizziness, and fatigue. These symptoms often diminish as the body adjusts to the medication.

More serious side effects, though less common, require immediate medical attention. These can include symptoms such as severe skin reactions, liver problems indicated by jaundice (yellowing of the skin or eyes), or signs of lactic acidosis, which may present as unusual muscle pain, difficulty breathing, or extreme fatigue. Mental health issues, such as depression or suicidal thoughts, can also arise in some patients taking Trilavir Mini, necessitating timely assistance from healthcare professionals.

Patients are advised to monitor their health closely and inform their healthcare provider about any severe or troubling symptoms. It is essential to balance the benefits of Trilavir Mini against the potential for side effects. While many individuals tolerate the medication well with minimal discomfort, others may find that side effects impact their quality of life.

Additionally, reviewing one’s medical history with a healthcare provider is crucial, as certain pre-existing conditions could exacerbate side effects. Regular follow-ups and open communication regarding any changes in health status can aid in early detection of any complications arising from the use of Trilavir Mini.

In conclusion, while Trilavir Mini is effective for managing HIV, awareness and proactive measures regarding its side effects are key components of successful treatment. Patients should educate themselves about potential adverse reactions and consult their healthcare providers promptly if severe effects arise.

General Warnings and Safety Advice

When using Trilavir Mini, it is essential for patients to be aware of several critical warnings and safety measures to optimize treatment outcomes. Firstly, patients should disclose their complete medical history to their healthcare provider. It is particularly important to inform them about any history of liver issues, renal impairment, or hypersensitivity to any components of the medication. This information can greatly influence the prescribing decision, ensuring that the treatment is appropriate for individual health needs.

Additionally, patients using Trilavir Mini must consider lifestyle factors that could affect their treatment. Engaging in alcohol consumption or drug use can have detrimental effects on the efficacy of the medication. Moreover, maintaining a balanced diet and staying hydrated are crucial for overall health, which can enhance the medication’s effectiveness. Patients should also avoid taking any unknown or unverified supplements, as these may interact negatively with Trilavir Mini.

Regular medical check-ups are vital for anyone utilizing Trilavir Mini. These appointments allow healthcare providers to monitor the patient’s response to therapy, manage potential side effects, and make necessary adjustments to the treatment plan. Frequency of visits should be determined by the physician based on the patient’s health status and response to the medication.

Furthermore, adherence to the prescribed dosage regimen is critical. Patients should take Trilavir Mini exactly as instructed, ensuring that they do not miss doses, as this can lead to drug resistance and reduced treatment effectiveness. Strategies such as setting reminders or organizing medications in a weekly pill box may prove beneficial in maintaining adherence.

In conclusion, understanding the general warnings and safety advice associated with Trilavir Mini is paramount in guiding patients towards effective treatment management. By taking these precautions and actively participating in their healthcare plan, patients can optimize their results and improve their overall well-being.

Common side effects of Trilavir Mini

  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Insomnia (difficulty in sleeping)
  • Weakness
  • Depression
  • Diarrhea
  • Rash
  • Pain
  • Fever
  • Decreased white blood cell count (neutrophils)
  • Peripheral neuropathy (tingling and numbness of feet and hand)
  • Back pain
  • Abdominal pain
  • Anxiety
  • Vomiting
  • Joint pain
  • Pneumonia
  • Dyspepsia
  • Muscle pain
  • Lipodystrophy (skin thickening or pits at the injection site)
  • Hypercholesterolemia (high cholesterol)
  • Increased triglyceride level in blood
  • Elevated creatinine kinase
  • Elevated levels of serum amylase
  • Blood in urine
  • Increased transaminase level in blood
  • Severe side effects of Trilavir Mini
  • Anemia (low number of red blood cells)
  • Muscle damage
  • Hypersensitivity reaction
  • Impaired coordination
  • Abnormality of voluntary movements
  • Convulsion
  • Tremors
  • Breast enlargement in male
  • Pancreatic inflammation
  • Liver failure
  • Hepatitis (viral infection of liver)
  • Lactic acidosis
  • Fatty liver disease
  • Worsening of hepatitis B (viral infection of liver)
  • Breathlessness
  • Erythema multiforme
  • Stevens-Johnson syndrome
  • Increased glucose level in blood
  • Rhabdomyolysis
  • Softening of bones
  • Decreased potassium level in blood
  • Muscle weakness
  • Decreased phosphate level in blood
  • Immune reconstitution syndrome


Take this medicine in the dose and duration as advised by your doctor. Swallow it as a whole. Do not chew, crush or break it. Trilavir Mini Tablet is to be taken empty stomach.


Trilavir Mini Tablet is a combination of three antiviral medicines: Lamivudine, Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate and Efavirenz. They work by preventing HIV (virus) from multiplying, thereby reducing the amount of virus in your body. They also increase the CD4 cell (white blood cells that protect against infection) count in your blood.


Caution is advised when consuming alcohol with Trilavir Mini Tablet. Please consult your doctor.

Pregnancy care   Pregnancy
Trilavir Mini Tablet is unsafe to use during pregnancy as there is definite evidence of risk to the developing baby. However, the doctor may rarely prescribe it in some life-threatening situations if the benefits are more than the potential risks. Please consult your doctor.

   Breast feeding
Trilavir Mini Tablet is probably safe to use during breastfeeding. Limited human data suggests that the drug does not represent any significant risk to the baby.

Trilavir Mini Tablet may decrease alertness, affect your vision or make you feel sleepy and dizzy. Do not drive if these symptoms occur.

Trilavir Mini Tablet is probably safe to use in patients with kidney disease. Limited data available suggests that dose adjustment of Trilavir Mini Tablet may not be needed in these patients. Please consult your doctor.

Trilavir Mini Tablet is probably safe to use in patients with liver disease. Limited data available suggests that dose adjustment of Trilavir Mini Tablet may not be needed in these patients. Please consult your doctor.


baby warning  CHILDREN CAUTION
Trilavir Mini Tablet is not recommended for use in children and adolescents below 18 years.

  Trilavir Mini Tablet Habit Forming :  NO


   expert advice


A: If you miss a dose of Trilavir Mini Tablet, take it as soon as possible. However, if it is almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and go back to your regular schedule. Do not double the dose.

  • Trilavir Mini Tablet is a combination of three medicines which slows down or stops the progression of HIV infections.
  • Take it on an empty stomach, preferably at bedtime, to reduce side effects.
  • Skipping doses increases the risk of treatment failure. Make sure that you take all your doses at the correct time.
  • Trilavir Mini Tablet may cause dizziness or sleepiness. Don’t drive or do anything requiring concentration until you know how it affects you.
  • Trilavir Mini Tablet can cause birth defects. Use effective contraception while taking Trilavir Mini Tablet and 12 weeks after stopping it.
  • It may cause weakening of your bones. Exercise regularly and take calcium and vitamin D supplements as suggested by your doctor.
  • Your doctor may monitor your kidney and liver functions regularly. Inform your doctor if you develop symptoms such as abdominal pain, loss of appetite, darkened urine or yellowing of the eyes or skin.
  • Do not stop taking Trilavir Mini Tablet without your doctor’s advice.


  • Eat a healthy and balanced diet. Eat vitamin and nutrient-rich food such as dark-green, yellow, orange, and red vegetables and fruit as it helps to boost your immune system. Option for lean protein and whole grains.
  • Avoid eating raw meat and eggs. Consume properly boiled and cooked meat, poultry, or seafood.
  • Eat bland and low-fat foods and avoid spicy or oily foods if you experience nausea or vomiting.
  • Try to reduce emotional and physical stress by spending time with family or whatever makes you happy.
  • Drink more fluids and avoid alcoholic beverages to prevent dehydration.
    Wash your hands properly before and after eating.
  • Make sure you sleep at least 8 hours a day.

Here are the 25 most common questions people ask about Trilavir Mini (efavirenz, lamivudine, tenofovir disoproxil fumarate), an HIV treatment medication:

1. What is Trilavir Mini used for?

A: Trilavir Mini is used to treat HIV-1 infection in adults and children aged 12 and older. It helps to control HIV but is not a cure.

2. When is the best time to take Trilavir Mini?

A: It is recommended to take Trilavir Mini once daily on an empty stomach, preferably at bedtime to reduce potential side effects such as dizziness or drowsiness.

3. What are the long-term side effects of Trilavir Mini?

A: Long-term side effects may include:

  • Liver problems
  • Bone thinning (osteopenia or osteoporosis)
  • Kidney damage
    Routine monitoring by a healthcare provider is advised.

4. Can you provide a review of Trilavir Mini?

A: Patients generally report effective viral suppression with few side effects. Some experience vivid dreams and mood changes initially, but these often subside after a few weeks of use.

5. What are the common uses of Trilavir Mini?

A: Trilavir Mini is used to:

  • Treat HIV-1 infection
  • Reduce viral load and increase CD4 cell count, thereby boosting immune function

6. What is the recommended dosage of Trilavir Mini?

A: The standard dose is one tablet taken once a day on an empty stomach, typically at bedtime.

7. Is Trilavir Mini safe to use?

A: Trilavir Mini is considered safe when taken as prescribed. However, patients with kidney or liver issues should be monitored closely by their healthcare provider.

8. Does Trilavir Mini cure HIV infection?

A: No, Trilavir Mini does not cure HIV. It helps manage the virus by reducing the amount of HIV in the body, but it must be taken regularly to maintain its effectiveness.

9. Is Trilavir Mini safe in pregnancy?

A: Trilavir Mini contains efavirenz, which may increase the risk of birth defects if taken during the first trimester. Women of childbearing age should use effective contraception while on Trilavir Mini and discuss pregnancy plans with their doctor.

10. Can Trilavir Mini be used in children?

A: Trilavir Mini is approved for use in children aged 12 and older who weigh at least 35 kg (77 lbs).

11. What if I miss a dose of Trilavir Mini?

A: If you miss a dose, take it as soon as you remember. If it’s close to your next dose, skip the missed dose. Do not double the dose to make up for it.

12. Can I stop taking Trilavir Mini if I feel better?

A: No, stopping Trilavir Mini can lead to an increase in viral load and the development of drug-resistant HIV. Always consult your doctor before making any changes to your treatment.

13. What are the uses of Trilavir Mini?

A: Trilavir Mini is used to control HIV infection, helping prevent the virus from multiplying and protecting the immune system.

14. Are there alternative medications to Trilavir Mini?

A: Yes, alternative medications include:

  • Atripla (efavirenz/emtricitabine/tenofovir)
  • Biktarvy (bictegravir/emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide) Your healthcare provider will choose based on your individual needs.

15. Can Trilavir Mini interact with other medications?

A: Yes, Trilavir Mini can interact with several medications, including:

  • Rifampin
  • Warfarin
  • St. John’s wort
    Always inform your healthcare provider about all other medications or supplements you’re taking.

16. How long does it take for Trilavir Mini to show results?

A: Trilavir Mini can start reducing the viral load within a few weeks of starting treatment, but achieving maximum viral suppression can take 3 to 6 months.

17. What precautions should be taken while using Trilavir Mini?

A: Key precautions include:

  • Avoiding alcohol, which can worsen side effects.
  • Regular monitoring of kidney, liver, and bone health.
  • Using effective contraception for women of childbearing age.

18. Where can I get more information about Trilavir Mini?

A: You can find more detailed information from reputable sources such as:

19. What is the success rate of Trilavir Mini?

A: Trilavir Mini has a high success rate in controlling HIV infection when taken as prescribed. Studies show it effectively lowers the viral load to undetectable levels in many patients.

20. Can Trilavir Mini cause weight gain?

A: Some patients report weight changes, but this is not a common side effect. Weight should be monitored during treatment.

21. Can Trilavir Mini cause vivid dreams or mood changes?

A: Yes, vivid dreams and mood changes are common side effects of the efavirenz component. These side effects often diminish after the first few weeks of treatment.

22. Can Trilavir Mini affect my mental health?

A: Efavirenz in Trilavir Mini has been associated with depression, anxiety, and mood changes. Notify your doctor if you experience any significant mental health changes.

23. Can Trilavir Mini cause liver problems?

A: Yes, Trilavir Mini can cause liver problems, especially in people with a history of liver disease. Liver function should be monitored regularly.

24. Is Trilavir Mini effective if I have a low CD4 count?

A: Yes, Trilavir Mini is effective even in people with a low CD4 count. It can help increase CD4 levels while controlling the viral load.

25. Can Trilavir Mini cause kidney issues?

A: Trilavir Mini contains tenofovir, which may cause kidney damage in some patients. Kidney function should be monitored during treatment.


  1. Macleods Pharmaceuticals Limited, US Food and Drug Administration, [Revised on Mar 2019] [Accessed on 23rd Apr 2021],
  2. Cipla (EU) Limited, Electronic Medicines Compendium (EMC), [Revised on Oct 2017] [Accessed on 23rd Apr 2021],
  3. KD Tripathi, Antiviral Drugs (Anti-retrovirus), Essentials of Medical Pharmacology, 8th Edition, 2019, 860-872.
  4. – Symfi Lo
  5. FDA Symfi Lo Information
  6. AIDSinfo – Symfi Lo

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